And as about the presents? Santa was really kind to me this year :) I show you some pictures of some of them :)
Nici Snowleopard and a nici planner from my boyfriend *.*
Body shop package from Mr. Mouse's sister. I forgot to put the soap on the picture :D We got theater vouchers from his other sister and a hat and gloves from his parents :)
Lots of chocolate, a snowglobe (I got 3 snowglobes for this Christmas *_*), and from my sister and borther-in-law textile paints and brushes :)
One of my most heart-warming presents was this box. We always making jokes about getting empty boxes as a gift, because I got a LOT when I was a child and I always was really dissapointed :D So it was half a joke from my boyfriend, but he handpainted it, and it's the cutest thing that he ever made, since he is not creative at all and he never tried something like this before~ :) Now some of my make-up stuff lives in it :)
And I also got this lovely clock from Mr. Mouse, I'm totally in love with it *_* We have a similair one in the livingroom, but now we have one in the bedroom as well :) And the tee is a little gift from myself, I'm really into Doctor Who nowadays, so how could I say no to this t-shirt when it was on sale on :)
And last but not least here is one of my presents for Mr. Mouse:

It's scratch-map, you can scratch the places with a coin where you've been :) They really enjoyed scratching it :D But in the end it feels a bit dissapointing, because we visited lots of places and it's still only a tiny part of the world - but we have time! :) He got a Tardis-keychain from me and a boardgame. He LOVES boardgames :D
Probably it's my last post for this year, so allow me to wish an early HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, and I hope you will come back and read my blog in 2014 as well :) Have a nice evening today ;)
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